NBME Schedule

NBME Exams

The National Board of Medical Examiners (NBME) is an independent, not-for-profit organization that develops and administers standardized assessments for medical students and professionals in the United States. The NBME was established in 1915 to provide a common standard for assessing the qualifications of medical school graduates.

2024 On-Campus NBME Schedule (All Saints University)

*Please, be mindful of the registration and self-assessment score submission deadline. Forms/score reports received after the deadline are not taken into account.

*A minimum score of 75% on NBME self-assessment (i.e., CBSSA= 75 & CCSSA=210) is required to be considered eligible for the CBSE/CCSE.

*Registration forms for each exam date will be available to download when registration starts. Feel free to reach out to Ms. Atefeh Kalati at examinations@allsaintsuniversity.org should you have any questions.

2024 Prometric NBME Exam Schedule

*Please, be mindful of the registration and self-assessment score submission deadline. Forms/score reports received after the deadline are not taken into account.

*A minimum score of 75% on NBME self-assessment (i.e., CBSSA= 75 & CCSSA=210) is required to be considered eligible for the CBSE/CCSE.

*Registration forms for each exam date will be available to download when registration starts. Feel free to reach out to Ms. Atefeh Kalati at examinations@allsaintsuniversity.org should you have any questions.

Department Contact Info

Examination Department

Mon – Fri 9:00A.M. – 5:00P.M.

Social Info