A detailed breakdown of fees for our 4-Year and 5-Year Doctor of Medicine (MD) Degree programs are outlined below. You will find miscellaneous fees, approximations of other costs, and tuition for 4-Year Bachelor of Science (Nursing) Degree programs further down. Please be advised that all fees listed here are subject to change without notice at the discretion of the University.
A request for withdrawal must be submitted in writing, authorized by the Dean of Academics to the Director of Administration. The date of withdrawal is counted from the date of receipt of the request. The amount of refund for students who withdraw from the school in any term is: 80% refund if enrolled for two weeks or less; 60% refund if enrolled for three weeks or less; 40% refund if enrolled for four weeks or less; and no refund thereafter. Any student who is absent for two terms without providing a written request and without obtaining prior approval from university authorities may be subject to sanction or dismissal from the university; this would appear in the transcript and the academic records of such a student.
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