University Life

University Life


The Medical Science campus of All Saints University School of Medicine is located in the city of Roseau, the capital of Dominica. The Roseau campus comprises structures on about 40,000 square feet of space. Additional structures on the permanent site of the University, a few minutes away from Roseau are underway.  

About Dominica

Dominica (pronounced “Dom-in-eek-a”) is an island of volcanic origins located between the French islands of Guadeloupe and Martinique in the Eastern Caribbean, at approximately 15 degrees North latitude and 61 degrees West longitude. It is the largest and most mountainous of the Windward Islands, with an area of 289.5 sq. miles (754 sq. km). It is 29 miles long and 16 miles at its widest. The formal name Commonwealth of Dominica is often used to avoid confusing it with the Dominican Republic.

Dominica’s population is around 71,727 (2003), of which 20,000 live around the capital city, Roseau (pronounced ‘Ro-zo’), which is located on the south-west coast. English is the official language but a French-based Creole (kwéyòl) is widely spoken, especially in outlying villages.

Visitors should bear in mind that the import and export of fruit, vegetables and flowers is restricted; you will need to obtain a license to take out flowers, for example.

From the lush mountain peaks rising to almost 5,000 ft. to the underwater volcanic craters with dramatic vertical walls, it’s no wonder Dominica will take your breath away at every turn. Dominica is one of the best places in the Caribbean to dive, whale and dolphin watch, hike, bird watch, explore a pristine rainforest, or simply relax.

Dominica is known as the “Nature Island” of the Caribbean. It was also chosen as the location for the filming of the major box office hit movie “Pirates of the Caribbean”. In Dominica, you will experience the world as it was meant to be – unspoiled and with natural wonders found nowhere else in the world. Dominica is a leading dolphin and whale watching hot spot.

If sitting by the beach all day sounds a bit dull, then Dominica is the spot for you. Dominica is a paradise for the outdoor adventurer interested in unspoiled natural attractions. There is so much to do! Dominica’s Morne Trois Pitons National Park was the first UNESCO World Heritage Site in the eastern Caribbean.

Electricity is 220/240 volts, 50 cycles.
Water is safe to drink.
Public Transport is readily available in the form of the ubiquitous mini-bus (look for number plates that begin with ‘H’); the Old Market in Roseau is the ‘terminus’ for buses travelling south; the West Bridge for those travelling north. Fares are set by the government.


Dominica’s Carnival, held at the traditional pre-lenten time, is a feast of calypso, shows and two-exciting days of street jump-up. Carnival is formally opened about a month before the two final days of jump-up, which were 27th & 28th February, 2006

Dominica is home to a wide range of people. Historically occupied by several native tribes, only a Carib tribe remained by the time European settlers reached the island. The dialect of Dominica also includes Cocoy and a French Patois. “Cocoy”, is primarily a mix of cockney english imported by English settler and with an infusion of African lingual. Cocoy is mainly spoken in the north-eastern part of the island. The French patois which is more widely spoken came from the French plantation owners from the neighbouring French islands of Guadeloupe and Martinique. Some plants and animals thought to be extinct on surrounding islands can still be found in Dominica’s forests.

For those of you interested in Dominica’s human history there are remnants of forts at The Cabrits up north and Scott’s Head in the south and many english and french place names throughout Dominica – a testament to the intense fighting that took place here over two centuries ago. There is a so an excellent museum in Roseau that documents Dominica’s Pre-Columbian history too and The Old Mill and Cultural Centre at Canefield – built in 1774 this historic sugar mill also housed the famous Rose’s Lime Juice plant and is also is a centre for the Arts.

Dominica has plenty to see and can best be enjoyed by combining your sight-seeing escapades with a combination of both vehicle and on foot. It is most rewarding when you get stuck right in!


Student Government

All Saints University Student Government Association is a great way to get involved and show school spirit! The Student Council stands for the needs of the students and works hard to ensure that the time spent on the island is an enjoyable one! From planning frosh events, formals, grad parties or community events such as blood pressure clinics and food drives, the student council is always on the go!

Classrooms & Labs

The Classrooms are well equipped with state of the art facilities to provide an atmosphere conducive to learning.  The laboratories include a well-equipped histopathology laboratory, physiology / biochemistry laboratory and an anatomy dissection laboratory capable of accommodating 40 students at a time. 


The Library supports teaching and learning and it contains tens of thousands of easily accessible journal articles, medical texts, research and instructional materials and computers. Individual cubicle study areas are also provided inside the library and are designated as “Quiet Study Area”, away from the “Group Study Hall”. 


The modern on-campus cafeteria provides a variety of food and refreshment options. There is a lounge area and gym room for students to relax or work out.


There is round-the-clock security on campus to ensure safety of students and other members of the University.


All Saints also has its own bus service for students at a lesser cost than public transportation. Interested students are transported directly from residence to campus and back.  


Houses, apartments and rooms belonging to the local community are available for rent to students. The housing coordinator of the school makes all necessary arrangements to accommodate students upon their arrival in Dominica. ​

My time at this great institution is embellished with memories that will stay imprinted in my mind. I can lucidly state that every moment spent at All Saints University has shaped me into a better person, intellectually and professionally. I would like to use this special moment to thank everyone for their support, including my family, mentors, friends, and acquaintances who assisted me at every step of this journey. As commonly stated with reference to Helen Keller, “optimism is the faith that leads to achievement, and nothing can be done without hope and confidence”. I implore my junior colleagues to be steadfast as they embark on this journey to actualize their goals. 

Edinen AsukaMD